joe frye
games portfolio
Portfolio showcasing some of my work on Airship Syndicate's WAYFINDER, as well as Realm Archive's KAMIFUDA.
Character Barks
One-liners spoken by NPCs when walking into their proximity, eavesdropping on them, interacting with them outside of quests, or various other triggers.

The Smuggler
"So, how lucrative is Wayfinding exactly...? We talking six, seven figures?"
"Of all the people to leave... why'd it have to be you..."
The Huntmaster
"Blood on the wind. It is nearly time."

"Before the Fall, it was my kin who were called monsters. We have not forgotten."

The Scavenger
"Those Geartooth are all murder and no fun. Giving goblinkind a bad name! Who murders without fun? Honestly."
"Ignore any bloodstains. My scavengers just got back from a run in the Highlands and we haven't had time to spray off the inventory! Heh."
The Engineer
"You are newly returned, yes? You may find my appearance unsettling. But trust me; no one knows more about the interaction of magic and metal than I."

"Do you hear the singing? Arcane energies converge upon my workshop."

Former Archon
"Some mourn the Imperium's fall. I mourn the people."
"Every day we wear a mask, the person beneath bleeds, Ven."
"Let's see... Fourteen steel beams... Three-hundred bricks... Black paint... Black paint? Seems a bit dreary, no?"

"Back in the Maze, construction was never as straightforward as it is here. My first job I had to build a lodging while suspended over a chasm. Wasn't too bad until the constructs started shooting."
The Foreman

The Chronicler
"Another Wayfinder emerges from the Gloom. (sighs) Where is my log? It seems I will have to make yet another entry."
"In the event of your death, the Archives will not waive any outstanding book fees."
"When I was first stationed here, the army told me I was being shipped out to the greatest city in the West. ‘Course, that was before it was the ONLY city in the West…"

"I still dream about the day they came. The sharp scent of Eldren magic mixed into the smoke. The darkness spreading. I passed a girl in the street left impaled on a sign post. She was far too young..."
The Commander

Ranger Davyn
"Lots of gorgeous critters in these hills. Wish you could have seen it, kiddo..."
"What'd you say, Silo? Shooting contest. You and me."
Warden Hass
"I hope you're not the type to want for medals. Something tells me we can't spare that much tin."

"Ahem. Is... your weapon supposed to be glowing like that?"
The First Scribe
"Deconstructing, reassembling. Chaos and Order. (Laughs) How my blood boils watching you work! Go—bring violence to the unraveled heart of this place!"
"So hostile. I'm merely curious, dear. These so called 'arcanists' are little more than children playing at the primordial elements."
Shrike Enemies (Various)
"It's always kill this, steal that. (sigh) How many caravans does a guy gotta raid before he gets a cushy job for once?"

"Why does she call herself the Raven? Should I get a moniker...? The... Blood... Hound. The... Highlands... Bandit. Hrm. Needs work."
The Shrike Syndicate

"You ever notice how these Wayfinders move? How am I supposed to hit them while they're dashing around like that!?"
"Where's that machinist!? Damned catalyst keeps jamming."
The Crucible Questline
The Crucible is the final area of Wayfinder and the quests here are the culmination of the game's story. I wrote all the quests in The Crucible, but here's a look specifically at the main storyline.

Despair and Hope Questline
Despair and Hope is the capstone to the first three chapters of Wayfinder's story and one of a few questlines I wrote.

Kyros Intro Mograph
The last survivor of a forgotten civilization, Kyros was a brilliant arcanist who surrendered his mortal body to become pure arcane energy.
Lost in the void for a millennia, he has awoken to a strange, primitive world, desperately searching for those he left behind.

Wayfinder Memories
Wayfinders are echoes of fallen heroes reborn within the Gloom. When they return, they carry only fragments of their former selves.
Over time, Wayfinders can reclaim their lost memories by finding places across the world that hold strong emotional resonances.

Weapon Descriptions
Snippets of lore to accompany in-game weapons.

All those who hear the Bloodsong are called to quench its thirst. To deny the sanguine song, is to be consumed in turn.
Queen's Pyre
For her triumphs they named the orphaned Varya, The Morning Flame. For her madness they erected a pyre—a final gambit to end her reign.

The Father of Swords foresaw a dark fate written in the night sky. He forged his children a Portent so that they might cleave their ties to the coming end.

Covetous are those who walk the gilded path.
Draken Maw
The Draken Maw knew many masters, but it was the mercenary Grendel who assured its infamy, filling its alchemical valves with volatile dragonkin blood.

God Bleeder
Dual Daggers
In his final days of captivity, the Rook engineered a menagerie of deadly weapons for the Raven and her Shrikes. They were not enough to earn his life.